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Whiteboard Billy: The Kid Who Lives on Our Fridge

July 30, 2012

Magnetic refrigerator fun…

When our daughter Hannah’s jaw was wired shut eight months ago, Grandma bought her a whiteboard to help her communicate without pain to her jaw. She never used it. But when her wires came off she said, “Let’s put this whiteboard on the fridge. Our family could have some fun with this!” That very next morning we found proof that it was true. A refrigerator whiteboard could be lots of fun!

Enter Whiteboard Billy. Talented Hannah created him right there on that whiteboard a couple of months ago and he keeps coming back. We almost never actually see the story changing as Hannah sketches, but our habit is to check the board every morning to see what’s new in Billy’s life. Whiteboard Billy has won our hearts.

In the beginning Billy was a bit snarky (he still is). He complained about family members coming downstairs in the morning without first brushing their hair. He even boldly suggested that one should not wear the same pair of underwear for more than one day. And then he rudely began griping about the number of snacks certain people were eating.

When Billy realized maybe he was taking his self-appointed hygiene police job too far, he decided to try to butter us up by offering hugs! Billy was dangerously close to a punch in the nose.

I guess he caught on to the poorly hidden grins at his silly offer of embrace and took it a step further… he invited us dancing! Wow! Billy was really getting into that Mexican dance music! Go Billy!

And then the family went away for the weekend. All but Hannah who couldn’t get off work. Whiteboard Billy’s eyes pooled with tears and began to flood his board.

The next week, with the whole family back home, Billy recovered and a few days later we found him dressed in J Biebs garb, singing “Oh, baby, baby, baby” quite obnoxiously.

I guess he was embarrassed.

Poor Billy was beside himself when the family left the very next weekend for five more days.

This note (and no Billy) were on the refrigerator when we returned.

What??! Could Billy really be gone for good? So sad! Whiteboard Billy was like part of our family! How could he be gone, just like that?!

Five long days passed and no Billy. Did he miss us?

Just last night, that tell-tale swirl of hair was spotted… peeking out. Yay!!

This morning, in typical snarky Whiteboard Billy fashion, there he was, back turned to the family. What’s this?! Billy brought movers with him??? Does this mean he’s moving in for good? And who in the world is Frank?

He’s unpacking! Is he back to stay?

A bit defensive, don’t you think, Billy?

Hannah’s whiteboard happily redeemed. Her jaw had been wired shut as a result of a serious automobile accident on her way back to Bible college after Thanksgiving break. Even the police said that God saved her life. She never did use the whiteboard for communicating with her family. She just talked through her wires. Whiteboard Billy on his simple little magnetic whiteboard reminds me, her mommy, often, that God was and continues to be in control. And that our family has experienced the truth that a merry heart most definitely is good medicine.

“A joyful heart is good medicine,…” Proverbs 17:22

To see more of Hannah’s art, check out her blog – Multicolored Veins – here. Her family is just a little proud of her.



2 Comments leave one →
  1. becky permalink
    July 30, 2012 11:45 pm

    i think aunt kris gave it to her, but she probably wouldn’t remember. hehe.

  2. ibumom permalink*
    July 30, 2012 11:47 pm

    That might be right. Haha, poor Han.

I would love to hear what you think!